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  • Mark J. Keller, Esq

SSI vs. SSDI: Navigating the Differences and Determining Eligibility

ssi vs ssdi

Regarding federal benefits for those facing disabilities, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) stand out as critical programs. Each is tailored to distinct groups within society and provides financial assistance and, in some cases, health insurance. Understanding the nuances between SSI and SSDI is key to determining which program best suits an individual's needs.

What is SSI?

SSI is designed to help older adults, people who are blind, and persons with disabilities with very limited income and resources. It's a need-based program that doesn't require a work history to qualify. In most states, SSI recipients automatically qualify for Medicaid, providing crucial health coverage and financial assistance​​.

What is SSDI?

Conversely, SSDI caters to individuals with a qualifying work history. It's intended for those who have contributed to the Social Security system through payroll taxes. After 24 months of SSDI benefits, recipients are eligible for Medicare, which offers a different layer of health insurance than SSI​.

Key Differences

The foundational difference lies in their eligibility criteria. SSI is accessible based on age, disability, and financial need without a work history. SSDI requires a certain number of work credits and is determined by one's disability and previous contributions to Social Security via payroll taxes. Importantly, while SSI benefits are derived from general tax revenues, SSDI is funded through workers' Social Security payroll taxes​.

Financial Assistance and Health Insurance

Financially, SSI provides a standardized benefit amount that can be supplemented by the state, depending on where the recipient lives. SSDI benefits are calculated based on an individual's lifetime average earnings before their disability, often resulting in higher monthly payments than SSI. As for health insurance, SSI recipients qualify for Medicaid, whereas SSDI beneficiaries become eligible for Medicare after a waiting period​​.

Applying for Benefits

Applying for either program can be done online for SSDI at any age and for SSI if you are an adult with a disability. Applications for SSI for children under 18 or those over 65 without a disability need to be done either over the phone or in person. The application process involves submitting detailed information about one’s medical condition and financial situation, and the definition of disability employed by Social Security is stringent, emphasizing the inability to perform substantial gainful activity and expecting the condition to last at least 12 months or result in death​.

Given the complexities and the impact these programs can have on an individual's life, seeking guidance can be beneficial. The Law Office of Mark J. Keller understands these challenges and is here to assist. If you're navigating the maze of SSI and SSDI, or your application has been denied, don't hesitate to reach out for support. Contact us at 718-297-1890 or visit to see how we can help you secure the benefits you deserve.

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